Sunday 1 September 2013


Mari menyusun seroja

Bunga seroja
A...hiasan sanggul
Remaja putri remaja
Rupa nan elok dimanja
Jangan dimanja
A...pujalah ia o sayang sekejap saja

The song that had been sung by Mahar to Ikal really made me laugh out loud. That song is to heal Ikal’s heart that had broken due to his first love who “left” him. Who is his girl???? Of course A LING!! The girl with the most beautiful fingernails in the world, according to Ikal’s words. Basically, she is beautiful and adorable. The effect of blossoming flowers during their first meeting really made me out of words and laugh out loud.  By the way, Ikal and A Ling look good together during their first date. So sweet. But that is all puppy love. However, the first love still gave the big impact. As he grew up, Ikal still remember about A Ling.

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